Here's this week's duck. Think I prefer last week's piece, but Angie and Lilah both seem to like this fellow, so what heck. It was a nice break to our stuck indoor weekend as the heat has been unbearable here. 100 degree weather and a 3 (or 35) year old don't mix, which led to some severe cabin fever. Luckily, there was plenty of World Cup on. Not so lucky was the U.S. or England or Mexico teams. Oh well. Argentina and Germany should provide plenty of entertainment, that is if the refs can stop ruining the matches.
Did get away Sunday for a couple hours for a Drink & Draw with Mafus over at Legend. Hadn't seen the lad in quite some time, so it was nice to quaff a few, sketch and talk geek. I've been rereading a lot of the old Jonah Hex comics as of late. (Probably trying to cleanse my mind of the recent movie. Haven't seen the flick, but the trailers were enough to leave a bad taste in my mouth.) Hence the Hex sketch. Mafus imparted the wisdom that cowboy hats are pain in the arse to draw after watching and listening to me struggle with Jonah's lid. Think I redrew that hat 3-4 times and I'm still not pleased with it. Oh well, at least the slightly drunk lady at Legend was impressed.

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