Monday, October 18, 2010

Still chugging on Know-It-All

Don't want to keep posting page sketches to keep the story somewhat of a mystery, but will throw some art up in the next day or two. Goal is a page sketched out a night until completion and then I'll start in on the actual comic itself. (Gonna be hard with Fallout New Vegas dropping tonight at midnight.) Then the goal will be a page a week pencils until done (hope to increase that productivity as I get in the groove) and then 2-3 pages a week for inks. Sticking with black and white, so I should be able to letter it in a couple days after that. No set deadline, but everything should be done for Heroes next year.

In the meantime here's a snap of our young artist painting her pumpkin at the Edgar Allan Poe Museum yesterday.


Matt Wieringo said...

Poe museum? Hey, I was just there! And what's with the painting? Hand that girl a knife! She'll be good. She swears.

todd said...

what a cute shot of a cute little cutie!
too adorable!
so what did her punkin look like when she was done?

Christian D. Leaf said...

It kinda looked like a spooky moon at first, but when we got home Lilah decided she wanted to keep painting. The pumpkin appears to have contracted some nasty greyish-purple fungus now.

todd said...

sorry--i'd heard a rumor that there had been a new post.
my bad. sorry.