Friday, May 02, 2008

Mark VIII, Dude

Mafus, Squeeze and I took in Shellhead's flick last night. I'm won't spoil anything, so no worries there. I will say the movie was excellent. Sure there was a scene or two that were, "Huh?" but that's probably just my nit-picky way. Downey, Jr. was perfect as Stark Paltrow was a decent Pepper and Bridges was the Dude. (Well, not really, but in my heart he was.) So go see it, people. Just make sure you stay until the end credits finish.


Heywood Jablomie said...

ah you suck!! i really want to see this, and i'm not sure if i can do it this weekend. i'm hoping to work it in somehow! glad to hear it's as good as it looks.

Matt Wieringo said...

Leaf, if you don't mention the dude popping his cork in the back during the post-credits fanboy moment (no spoilers from me either), then I will.

Heywood Jablomie said...

i unfortunately caught wind of what the end of the credits entails in theory, god i wanna see this sooo bad! did somebody really flip like that?

Matt Wieringo said...

The guy made a sound like he needed some alone time.

Heywood Jablomie said...

hahaha! wow, that's just crazy. so i ran out to see it today, and it was really cool. iron man was never a character i gave a crap about but this was sweet! and that part after the credits, yeah that was really cool, but i don't think it warranted that kind of reaction ha!

Christian D. Leaf said...

Yeah, that was the biggest fan-gasm I've ever heard. I'm surprised we weren't sprayed Pee Wee Herman-style.

Heywood Jablomie said...

wow that's just wrong!! i had this couple behind my gf and i where the guy was telling his significant other like the whole back story of iron man and the other marvel movies and blah blah blah like a frikkin commentary. i turned around and told him that if i wanted commentary i'd wait for the damn dvd to come out so shut up and let me enjoy the damn movie. after the lights came on i saw he had a mullet! and his woman/thing had one too!

Christian D. Leaf said...

Oooooo. The dreaded Femullet. Those things are a rare and dangerous breed. You're lucky you got out of there with your anal virginity intact.

Matt Wieringo said...

That's when you just hunker down in your seat and hope they forget about you. Like the rhinoceros, Mullet's have no short-term memory and it's out-of-sight, out-of-mind. Also, the Mullet's (and Femullet's) vision is based on movement so you'd probably be okay as long as your cologne wasn't too strong.

Fear the Mullet. Seriously.

Heywood Jablomie said...

ah femullet, i never heard that one! we usually call them chiklets. but yes they are scary, especially the fact they're still around!! but then again i do live in an awful RURAL area now, and the locals are really creepy......