Monday, July 16, 2007

Big Lazy

No, I'm not describing my drawing habits, but a damn fine band we saw Saturday night. I first saw Big Lazy seven years ago down at Poe's Pub and was hooked. Since then I've kept me ear and eyes out incase they ever came back or out with a new album. Of course, I moved out of the area for a three year span and probably missed them once or twice, but Angie alerted me to their being here and off we went. Of course, we had a little too much fun at the show (we could only stay for half of it due to babysitters) and paid for it the next day (too much good Legend beer), but that's why Sunday is the day of rest. I implore you to give Big Lazy a listen to ( or drop on in next time they're playing in your neck of the woods.

I started inking that Captain piece this morning and hopefully have it finished tonight or tomorrow. I gave up on the Kirby Thor page as the paper I printed it on bleeds like a mutha if I use a Crow Quill. Oh well.

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