Wednesday, September 24, 2008

In the interim...

As I've been busy with page four and other sundry drawings I figured I'd post this as I don't really have anything else to really show. Kinda like the exclamation point Matt and I received. Page four has been fun so far. Using more quills than marker this time 'round for a more old school look and feel.

Also, played through Star Wars: The Force Unleashed. A fun game, but the camera was a little wonky and it didn't really rate a replay. The Force powers are a blast at first, but get very repetitious along with the button combos for taking out mini-bosses and whatnot. If you're a Gamefly member, it's worth a rental, but I can't see dropping $60. (My mistake is your gain.) You could always wait for it do drop in price or try to find the copy I traded in.

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