Monday, January 24, 2011

Know-It-All is back on track

Riding on the coattails of the 'Haps Classic Cover...another page of KIA has been thumbnailed and ready to roll. Tomorrow night is Art Night in the Leaf house, so I'll start actually laying out KIA on bristol while Lilah colors/draws/holds court in her studio space.

Watched The Last Exorcism while sketching tonight. Not a bad flick. Drew very heavily (pun fully intended) off what Blair Witch started oh-so-long-ago. Decent, yet derivative. Rated M for Meh.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Thursday, January 13, 2011

The days they come, but the years they go...

Just when you thought I'd disappeared off the face of the internet—I'm back. Not much to report in the ways of high adventure, mainly because work's blowed up in the past couple of months and I haven't had the energy/drive/gumption to be creative after clocking out for the day. Not that work's slowed down much, but Todd's having a Perhapanauts Classic Cover contest over on the 'Haps blog and I couldn't pass up the opportunity to try to get some mojo flowing with an entry. The deadline is the end of the month and I don't want to spoil anything, so I'm only posting a small section of my entry. I'll do the same with the inks in the upcoming days.

As to the mojo I believe doing this piece did indeed start something simmering. It also helps that Lilah has been on a definite art/coloring kick as of late. May have to set her up with her own drawing table in the studio and we can push each other artistically.

First brew of the New Year will be bottled this weekend: a chipotle porter, which I hope will have just the right amount of smokey bite to it. I'll keep you posted on that as well.