Sunday, August 24, 2008

"It's like, how much more black could this be?"

"And the answer is none. None more black."

I now return to the 'Haps.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

First post of August...

And it only took me three weeks in to do it. A lot going on in the world of the Leafs. Most good, a little bad and some down right rotten. (The rotten being a very sick Renfield, one of our cats.) We're keeping our spirits up and enjoying every day.

Read my horde from the comic shop and couldn't sleep. I blame Doug TenNapel for being such an inspiration. Bought EARTHBOY JACOBUS today and couldn't put it down once I started. I know I've gone on about his work before, but Crom can that man tell a tale. Great stuff as usual and wholly inspiring. Kinda bummed that the glue holding the cover gave out though. Anyway, I messed around a little with this page earlier tonight, but wasn't feeling it and I really wanted to finish it. Mainly to loosen up my drawing hand and arm for some inking. After reading EARTHBOY I just had to finish, so here's the latest assignment for the Kubert course. You've seen the top left and right panel before and I put a little ink of them testing a new brush awhile ago. The middle-top and bottom panel are the newy new stuff. Gonna sling some ink on it tomorrow night and get the ball rolling. Okay, it's late and I'm starting to finally cool off. Peace out!