Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Lesson learned

Gouache isn't the best medium to try a splatter effect with. Stick with acrylic for the best results. Regardless, here's the finished piece for the contest. Nothing fancy, but it was fun to break out the watercolors after a year. That's all I got.

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Nothing fancy

Decided to actually get off me arse and do the contest. I'm sure my idea has been done already (and better) before, but I couldn't resist. What the shit though, right? Thinking about using gouache to color it. That is if my paints haven't given up the ghost. I'll try to ink it tonight or tomorrow night. Shouldn't take too long as it's pretty simple.

Saturday, April 07, 2007

First panel flub

Well, here they are. Comments from the man himself I believe. (The comments and artwork on the overlay smacks of Joe's style.) I was a little leery of opening the package when it came, but aside from one mistake I made (Einstein that I am I used a brush to fill in the black spaces on the pen panel. Of course, that was the incorrect way of doing it as Joe's comment points out) I found them to be inspiring (humbling, too). Going to get cracking on the next assigment today. I've got all my reference, just gotta find the time to sketch. (Sick wife and partially sick baby might hold me up a little.)

That's all I got. Enjoy.

Friday, April 06, 2007

What do you see?

In the process of working on my next Kubert assignment, but I had a little too much fun last night at Legend. (Read: hungover.) Instead of getting a whole lot accomplished on a day off I've gotten very little done. A rewrite and this sketch. Velocity is having another contest and 'Watchmen' are the theme this time round. Everybody and their mother though I'm sure will be drawing Rorschach. I thought about drawing the big ass squid monster, but the brain and hands aren't up to their usual snuff. Hence, a quick and easy Rorschach to get the juices flowing somewhat. I might blow it up and add a background if I decide to enter the contest otherwise this'll have to stand.

Update: I got my Kubert comments back and I'll post 'em tomorrow.